Friday, December 15, 2023

Representation in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Representation in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

    As more Marvel video games are released, there is a common trend underrepresentation. However, a game that stands out in the Marvel library with 186 video games when it comes to representation is Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. It is a spinoff game based on the original Marvel's Spider-Man, revolving around a teenager living in New York City being responsible for saving Harlem from being destroyed. The game brings exposure and accurate representation to different races, ethnicities, communities, ages, and sexuality. 

Hailey Cooper, a Deaf character in the game

    Miles Morales, the protagonist of the game, is of Hispanic and African American descent. Although his father is not present in the game, Hispanic representation is portrayed through Miles and his mother, Rio Morales. Unrelated to the plot, small aspects of Hispanic and Puerto Rican culture is shown throughout the game. For example, while on a call with his mother, Miles speaks Spanish without a very fluent accent. Many kids who grew up in bilingual households and struggle to communicate fluently can relate to Miles' similar ways of communication. Additionally, culture in Miles' family is displayed positively through foods on Christmas Eve. There was a variety of accurate Latin foods such as empanadas, arroz con gandules, and pasteles. Miles inviting his friends, Phin (African American) and Ganke (Asian), to the dinner reinforces that traditional latin foods are meant for everyone to enjoy.

Flan, platanos, and more traditional food being enjoyed by Miles and his loved ones

A few instances of Miles and Rio speaking Spanish

    In addition to the positive Hispanic representation, the story also contains positive Deaf representation. Hailey Cooper plays as Miles' potential love interest in the story. Being Deaf, Hailey is always seen communicating through ASL with Miles. Similarly, Hailey being Deaf isn't related to the plot, it simply makes the community wider. The game also encourages people to learn ASL through Ganke and Miles. Miles learned ASL in school, but it is also shown that you can learn from the community around you. The interactions between Hailey and others emphasize that they are one whole community, no matter the differences.

Miles communicating with Hailey Cooper through ASL

    As the story revolves around a seventeen year old and his friends, the game gives teenagers a positive reputation. All teenagers shown in the game always show kindness, respect, and gratitude. Even the teenage antagonist, Phin Mason, is a kind-hearted friend behind her mask. Her intention for being a villain is to keep New York safe, and to make sure people don't die the same way her brother did. Another example of kindheartedness is Ganke, Miles' closest friend. He spent his entire winter break assisting Miles on his missions from his home, not caring about earning any credit. He additionally is always making sure Rio is safe while Miles was fighting danger. The most important person that positively represented teenagers, however, is Miles himself. Known as the "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man", he always puts his community first instead of himself. Even outside of being Spider-Man, he is always seen giving a positive attitude and helping others along the streets.

Miles helping a stranger lift a couch in the opening of the game

    Along with teenagers, the game provides a lot of details in giving the community in New York a good reputation. Not only do they show a great diversity of people, but everyone in the neighborhood are seen being good-hearted, contrasting what many people say about the population in New York City. The biggest example of this is F.E.A.S.T, a homeless shelter where Miles volunteers. Although F.E.A.S.T was already shown in the original Marvel's Spider-Man, there are many parts of the spin-off that show everyone helping out to make sure the homeless have a comfortable place to stay. The owner, Gloria, additionally has a girlfriend, bringing exposure to LGBTQ+ and widening the community. The game also has a mission dedicated to showcasing a mural saying "Black Lives Matter", bringing awareness to the movement. Overall, these small details of representation add on to the overall representation of a diverse, compassionate New York community.

the "Uptown Pride" mission in the game unlocks a suit made by "Friendly Neighborhood Allies" and shows Miles standing in front of a Black Lives Matter mural

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