Saturday, March 9, 2024

Set Location

    As I mentioned before, we decided to film in Andrea's house, as it has two equally-sized rooms and is simply a place that we don't need permission to film at. Andrea took pictures to show where we'll be filming.

Valerie's room

Another possibility of Valerie's room
   We have two possibilities for Valerie's room. While the first room is the same size as Mara's room, the other room has more lighting about uses more white, which could help with contrast. However, I think the first one would look better, as it adds more personality to her. Valerie shouldn't be introduced as completely bland as the audience should somewhat connect with her (a common part of coming-of-age films).

Mara's room

    Although this room has LED lights, which can help with lighting, we decided to keep them off while filming. This will keep the consistent use of natural lighting. Also, stronger blues typically create a feeling of peacefulness or loyalty, which isn't what we're aiming for with Mara. We will use greyish blues through Mara's clothes, instead.

Where Valerie will open the door for Bella

    We're officially filming tomorrow!! Unfortunately, our friend Andreina, playing Valerie, can't make it Sunday. We were originally going to reschedule, but doing it during the week or next weekend would just put us even more behind. So, we're asking a few of our other friends to see if they can make it. If they can't, I'll just take her place. This is bad last-minute problem that probably could have been avoided, but we're trying to make it work. I'll definitely document our filming process and the script!

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Creative Critical Reflection

Along with the film opening, I wanted to additionally post the two creative critical reflections I created. I linked both videos here in cas...