Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Sound Project

For this project my partner Andrea and I created a scene only using sound - both sound from an online source and foley made at home. It was a one and a half minute scene with no video. It had to be made so that the audience could understand the scene simply by listening.

To begin the project, we created a soundscape outline. We decided to make the scene based on trick or treating on Halloween night. We included three main events: A girl getting scared by a teenager, trick or treating at a house hosting a party, and it starting to storm. These events made the scene feel eventful and not super continuous to keep the audience engaged.

For our sounds, we concluded to have four foley sounds, and the rest found online on websites such as SoundBible. We recorded the footsteps, birds, rustling bushes, and "candy" being thrown in a bucket. Instead of candy, we used Splenda, which ended up sounding very similar to the candy used during Halloween. We recorded the rest of the more natural sounds outdoors during school, which also added wind to the project.

The rest of the sounds were downloaded online using the sources given to us for the project. All of the sounds were then put into a Premiere Pro project. There were a lot of changes needed to be made, such as adjusting volumes, fade-ins, fade-outs, muffling certain sounds, and making them longer to fit the project. There was a lot of layering needed to make the project sound the most natural possible. Luckily, we included good background sounds in our outline. We included our final project in a folder containing all of our work, including videos of foley.

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